Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Student recommends "Animal Farm"

Book Review: Animal Farm

               Animal Farm is a rather short book, and is a very easy read as it is very hard to put down. It raises very interesting and frighteningly realistic issues by putting forth a scenario in which farm animals, fed up with the treatment given to them by their human owner, rebel and take over the farm on which they’ve spent their entire lives. The pigs, being the most intelligent of the farm animals, naturally take over as the leaders, thus setting the mood for future trouble. What ensues is not, as the animals had hoped, freedom, but rather a coup of sorts. As the story continues, it is obvious that the same problems from before have been reestablished tenfold, and now the animals must find a permanent solution. However, this proves to be an immensely difficult task, and the animals go through much strife and conflict in their attempts to achieve this goal.

This book has excellent themes and raises very interesting questions, with countless ways to view each question. One person might say that there can’t ever be both a functioning and completely satisfied society while there is present a leadership class, while another might say that the animals simply perceived their previous situation as much worse than it actually was. No matter how you approach it, however, this book will definitely challenge you to think.  ~Circ student John Clark

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