Monday, December 10, 2012


             My favorite thing about working at the library is seeing just what an extensive collection of books that it has to offer. Although I had spent time studying in the library last year (before I had a job at the circulation desk) I hadn’t taken advantage of using the books for various research products. I think one of the reasons why I didn’t do this is because I went to an extremely small high-school that didn’t have a very extensive collection of books. They had always encouraged us to use the library in high-school, but most of the time they just didn’t have enough books for me to find what I was looking for.

            So this year, after I got the job at the library and started doing tasks like shelving and inventory, I was amazed by the multitude of different book topics that the library housed. Even now, four months into the job I still get shocked that there are shelves and shelves of books on a single topic. So last month when I had a big research paper due for Chemistry, instead of only using online sources I checked the library database and was able to find tons of books about my topic. They were very helpful tools for my paper and I’m glad that I now go to a school that has a great library!~Bellamy, Circulation Student

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